Friday 28 January 2011

Banana String, Bumper Stickers, and Pub Quizzes

I hate bumper stickers. They are on my list of '100 things I hate'. Mostly they are completely lame/arrogant/i dont care if you love your cat. Today I saw one that said 'you keep tooting, and i'll get my shotgun'. Tres witty.
I also hate 'baby on board' signs. I will drive MORE recklessly if I see one.

On my list of  100 is also banana string. You know what I'm talking about. Some bananas have more than others, usually the small and riper ones are prime candidates for an abundance of banana string. Banana strings are actually called phloem bundles and they bring much needed nutrition to the banana. But you already knew this. Point is, I hate them. 

Oh and the other day, Harry, Kinga and I went to a PubQuiz in Christchurch. The place was quite flash. We did crap at the quiz, but that is beside the point. Anyway, they had individual towels in the bathroom and I was awfully excited. I said I'd write about it. But a picture tells a thousand words.


Sunday 16 January 2011

how to concisely win over doorframes and raising agents.

When contemplating furniture, do not hesitate to appreciate the merits of the humble chinup bar. discrete, available in a stylish chrome finish, it will, unlike other similarly furnitural items, resist the accumalation of surface debris, and also, you can do chinups on it. Not many beds can make this claim.

(chinup bar picture credit to this guy:, who incidentally, is totally awesome)

Also, i have been listening to one song, chicago by sufjan stevens, on repeat for three days now, is this weird? or are many people obessessed with a particular song for multiple hours at a stretch?

Liz, what do you think?

Today I baked a cake.

the recipe was something like;
baking soda (i used baking powder)
2 bananas (I used 5)
flour (I used wholemeal, couldn't be fucked measuring it, and chucked some flaxseed in for funsies)
milk (I used coffee)
vanilla essence (I used coffee grounds, left over from cooking the coffee in a saucepan)
other various things (which I omitted)

I also invented an interesting crumbed topping, consisting of flour, sugar and butter, to give my cake that special cake-y edge.

And... it worked!

AHAAHAHA I now have beaten baking hands down. If I can mangle a recipe this epically and get away with it, it must mean that baking is on its knees begging for mercy.

Ruby = 1
Baking = 0

A successful day.


Tuesday 11 January 2011

The Double-Ewe Tea Eff Hats.

WTF is up with straw hats this summer. I am not a fan.
It doesn't matter if your black or white, straw does nothing for your skin-tone.
They are flimsy as fuck.

This lady would be hot, but she has to ruin it by wearing a fugly straw hat. 

This guy is ok I guess. 

In wearing one, I feel like you are defying the great pioneers of the human race who actually invented shit so we don't have to wear straw anymore.

This may not be the best piece of literature I have written, but I feel like I have made my point. Can't wait to start playing hackie-sack. Without a straw hat on. Fuck. I bet all the freshers will be wearing them next year. jakfajkkldakhvsd
