Monday 23 May 2011


One of my favourite things is dinosaurs. They're probably in my top 5 things. Ever. They're just so freakin' massive and cool. They can fuck things up. The triceratops is (subjectively) the best. Spot a triceratops on any given day and you can find him, intelligently, chillin' out in the trees with his mates and his three horns. He doesn't use his horns all the time, but he knows he can if he wants to.

After a few cheeky gin and tonics, I will often, usually upon meeting someone for the first time, ask them what their favourite dinosaur is. If I did this to you, you will have been judged.
Oh, and if you said " dunno, eh. I don't really like dinosaurs..." then you will have been blacklisted.

This is exactly how I judged you:

What Your Favourite Dinosaur Will Tell Me About Your Persona

That is all.

With love

From Liz

P.S. It is a well-known fact that velociraptors like to ride bikes.


  1. No words can describe the amount of insight this has brought to my life. I am off to purchase a bike this instant in order to assist my velociraption.

  2. As an ankylosaur appreciator, I take exception to that remark. But it's an intelligent exception, and not a very angry one. =P

    I (sort of) agree with you on some points, though. For example, concerning the T. Rex. Like the tactical nuke in Battle Tanks, it's the choice of those who have no subtlety.

  3. Incidentally, why can't I post using a Google account, do you know? I tried, and it would conveniently keep taking me back to a new Captcha.

  4. Oh how I wish I could help you. Unfortunately, I am shit at using Blogger.
    Good luck!

  5. Well, I'll try again; I have some ideas of what the problem might be...

  6. Oh! Mysteriously, it worked now. Go figure.
