Tuesday 14 December 2010

How to:

This week I have cooked.
A lot.
I have made; hollandaise sauce (difficult, cramp in arm), meringue, various sorts of bread, apple strudel (awesome, pastry as thin as an anemic tissue and large enough to cover a small pony) biscuits, cake (extra bananana flavour), and assorted salads with bits of things from the garden, some of which were probably bits of grass cunningly disguised as herbies.

In addition, I got a degree. woo.

I weaseled my way into summer school, hooray! And figured out I only have to do 10 papers to turn my Minor into a whole degree! Wow! I could have TWO degrees! I have this feeling that this getting degrees thing may turn out to be a bit addictive.

How to: get a degree.
Pick a university. Optimum requirements include degree of scumminess of flats. Increased Decreptitude translates linearly into decreased cost.
Attend university. Often.
Pass things. HINT: some things are easier to pass than others. For example; Marketing. Marketing is the study of how to most cheaply manipulate vaguely distracted people to buy shit that they don't want. It is, apparently, a sure-fire way to get yourself a job. In an office. With 3 suits, 7 shirts, one pair of trackpants, a hobby (crochet, writing letters to the editor, road cycling, drugs) and, eventually, 2.5 children and/or pets.
In contrast, physics is very difficult. But there is the chance of adding to the sum of human knowledge, discovering new things, having a star named after you, and getting an awesome, inscrutable prize in arcane awesomeness.

Sidetracked now.

I haven't seen any funny things recently. I took my littlest brother for a run though, it was SO supercute he is so white and lanky and surprisingly fast for a wee thingy who spends, on average, 19 1/2 hours a day attached to a screen. Running is cool.


1 comment:

  1. What unfair! I only spend (...calculating...) six and a bit, or so, and im not that white and lanky, only a bit, but cool story.
